Why do Santoku knives feature such tall blades? There are actually two answers to this question. First, in order to create those paper-thin slices Santoku knives are famous for, you will want your knife’s blade to be almost as tall as the food you are slicing. Also a tall blade will serve as a barrier as you are slicing.

Looking this tall blade knife picture, it's our Black Hawk-S Santoku knife. It's a more versatile chef's knife in the oriental tradition. It can work as a slicer, mincer, and dicer with a high performance of exceptional effectiveness.

Furthermore, the ‘’scalloped’’ edge, which features indentations on the face of the blade that allow food to easily slide off while slicing, reducing the need to stop and remove sticky ingredients between each cut.

The types of techniques one uses with a Santoku knife, though often small, require that the blade and the handle are firmly attached. For this reason, I suggest finding one with a triple-riveted and full-tang blade. And with our Black Hawk-S high-quality German High Carbon Stainless Steel santoku, you could get both.