Do you have a santoku knife in your kitchen? Today I'd like to introduce you to a Santoku knife with short blade that is only 5.5 inches. 5.5-inch santoku knife is considered the standard size blade in Japan. If you rarely need to handle large pieces of meat in your daily cooking, this santoku knife from TUO is perfect for you.

Useful for almost any job the Santoku knife is the one most commonly used by Japanese cooks. Vegetables, fruit, fish or boneless meat can be prepared successfully with a santoku knife because its wide blade makes cutting more consistent and easier.

This is a Santoku knife but it's not a typical Santoku, because you'll find that the tip has a certain curve, instead of being completely straight like the traditional one. This feature allows you to chop in a up-and-down rocking motion.

The handle is made of pakkawood. As Pakkawood is resistant to water and heat, it makes for a great choice to have in your kitchen.
Want to try a different design Santoku knife? You can try our santoku knife from the Ring Lite series. It’ll give you a whole new experience in the kitchen.